Sunday, 17 March 2013

The Vow

A film released last year (2012) The Vow is about a woman who was young and in love. Following a car accident she doesn't remember her present - her husband, her work nothing.  In some aspects it seems almost like Alzheimer's. It must be scary not to remember big chunks of your life; although at times I wonder if in some cases it is bliss, not to remember things in the present if they were not particularly if the person's short term memories weren't pleasant.

In some respects I don't know which is worse being aware that you have gaps in your memory or being blissfully ignorant that you are losing your memory. Both are equally terrible because the person is distressed and is also aware of the effect it is having on those close to them. Whilst those who are unaware are essentially trapped in the past and unable to move forward, the present must be confusing for them and rather terrifying at times when things change.

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