Friday, 14 June 2013

Summer Skin Care

Almost everyone wants their skin to look healthy and golden during the summer months when they get to wear shorts, assuming that the great British weather allows it. So I guess the next question is how do you get that perfect summer skin?

Well there are few things you can try: you can exfoliate and moisturise. This only leaves the golden glow well there are a few options including going to a salon and getting a spray tan or fake tan at home, but the best option I have found is hiring a bed and following the guidelines. Not only do you not have to deal with issues such as streaks or looking orange, it will also trigger your skin's natural tanning so it will help when you go out in the sun it will offer some protection and it will last a lot longer than anything you can buy in a bottle. Plus you have the convenience of it being at home so you don't have to worry about booking appointments or paper knickers.

So aside from pasty skin what have you got to lose?

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