Friday, 21 February 2014


According to the dictionary honesty is:
the quality or fact of being honestuprightness and fairness.
truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
freedom from deceit or fraud.

Sadly there is a distinct lack of this in society, people feel the need to lie and make up stories which due to the easy access to the internet many end up online whether it be through social media or forums or any of the millions of other outlets on the web.  Whilst I'm all for freedom of speech do people really need to air their dirty laundry for the whole world to see? I seriously doubt it plus with the internet once it's on it's rather difficult to remove and can have detrimental impacts on people. People seem all to willing to slate people and businesses online because they haven't got what they wanted the problem with this child like reaction is it damages the person or business' reputation. One of the many victims of this childishness is Chandler Ray who I am guessing didn't give a client the outcome they wanted.

I am not naive and know that people don't always see eye to eye I just wish that people would think before they act.

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