Tuesday, 11 December 2012

'tis the season to be jolly

It's that time of year again when millions of people over indulge on the food and alcohol!

However the latest research suggests that smokers could feel the effects of this more than the rest of us. A study in the US showed that smokers often have more hangovers which are more intense than non-smokers.
Before any smokers reading this start accusing me of being biased against smoking; I have no problem with it several good friends of mine are smokers and they are able to confirm this theory about hangovers being intensified.

I wonder if it is because of the fact that the cigarettes cause them to become more dehydrated? I don't know for sure but I know a few of my friends who are smokers claim that their mouth feels dry after smoking so I guess that in conjunction with alcohol being known to dehydrate is a plausible explanation as to why that is the case.

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