Tuesday, 4 December 2012

When is the best time to put up the tree?

With Christmas only being 3 weeks away there seems to be a lot of people getting in the festive spirit. Some people including myself have already put the tree up. Some people think that it's best to put up the decorations up on the 1st day of advent whilst others suggest the second weekend.

With me and my family we put ours up last weekend purely because we wanted to do it as a family and the weekends between now and Christmas at least 1 of us has something on making it impossible for us to do it together any other time.

I know some people who have everything organised for Christmas already - cards written, presents wrapped, decorations up and all the food ordered. I am not that organised yet although I haven't left everything to the last minute either. At the end of the day I think it's down to personal preference rather than any traditions, unlike taking the decorations down - where people claim that if you haven't taken the decorations down by the 6th January, you are supposed to leave them up for the whole year.

I for 1 couldn't deal with having the decorations up all year. Whilst they look nice think it would start to annoy me having them up for longer than a month.

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