Thursday, 31 January 2013

Lie to Me

I've recently got into a series called Lie to Me which focuses around a team who are able to spot lies - not through words or blood pressure but by micro expressions. I have to admit the science behind this is very intriguing, plus the way the core characters are quite complex, throughout the series you seen different sides to their characters.

There are parallels that can be drawn between this and house in that the main character has quite a sarcastic sense of humour and is reluctant to trust anyone - they both assume everyone lies; which they do. I know that makes me a cynic but whether it is a white lie or a full out lie to cover something up everyone lies.

I think that whilst we say that lying is bad, it would appear that it is a necessary part of life. For example we lie to our kids about the existence of Santa and the Tooth Fairy, some say we do this to protect their innocence but it is still a lie. Other lies are the ones told by politicians or when you tell someone that you are fine even if you are not. Then there are the lies to cover something up like when you do something wrong - these lies are not acceptable and often make the situation worse. Which begs the question why lie in the 1st place? Also why are some lies acceptable and others not?

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