Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Shakespeare in Love

I know that is a rather old film, released in 1998, but recently is the 1st time that I have seen it and find it rather strange hearing Romeo and Juliet's lines quoted out of the context of the play.

To portray Shakespeare as a man who has left his wife in Stratford and then sleeps with a number of women before falling in love with a women who is of a higher class was an interesting choice. Whilst there is considerable speculation regarding his sexuality and his fidelity although it was never conclusively proven one way or the other.

Admittedly when I was at school I wasn't a great fan as I prefer to read for pleasure rather than dissecting it and attempting to guess which of several ways the prose was intended when you do this some may argue that you obtain a greater understanding, To these people I would point out that yes every prose potentially has several interpretations but with every work of fiction whether it be novel, play or any other you care to name they were written for entertainment so why not leave them as such?

If you dissect prose enough it loses the beauty of it and you begin to see things that are not necessarily there. Plus there must be a certain degree of arrogance to dare to assume what meaning the author assigned to his words.

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